Section 3 Program

Section 3 Program

Section 3 Goals

The goal of Section 3 is to serve section 3 eligible residents, Section 3 Businesses by providing the resources and tools needed for economic development and individual economic independence. The team also assist ECC vendors in compliance with ECC Section 3 goals. ECC aims to streamline employment opportunities for residence and low-income individuals in build capacity for resident-owned businesses to develop and thrive.

Section 3 Program Resources

Section 3 Worker Income Eligibility Guidelines PDF
Doing business with ECC for residents
Doing business with ECC for contractors
Section 3 FAQs
How to become certified as a MWDBE business in CT

What is a Section 3 Business

HUD has recently changed the definition of a Section 3 Business:

  • At least 51% owned by a ECC resident(s) or HCV participant(s)
  • At least 51% owned by a low-income person(s)
  • A business where low-income persons make up a minimum of 75% of the labor hours

What is a Section 3 Worker and a Targeted Section 3 Worker

HUD defines a Section 3 Worker as: Any worker who currently fits or when hired within the past five years fit at least one of the following:

  • The worker’s income for the previous or annualized year is below the income limit established by HUD.
  • The worker is employed by a Section 3 Business Concern
  • The worker is a YouthBuild participant

HUD defines a Targeted Section 3 Worker as:

  • A worker employed by a Section 3 Business Concern
  • A worker who currently fits or when hired fit at least one of the following categories within the past five years:
  • A resident of public housing or HCV:
  • A resident of other public housing projects or Section 8 assisted housing managed by the PHA providing assistance
  • A YouthBuild worker

Online Vendor Invoice Submission

Click here to help us pay you faster!

Elm City Communities is continually seeking new and qualified suppliers and vendors to maximize our contracting dollars. We encourage current vendors, Section 3 Business, MBE and WBE Business to visit out Vendor Contract Collaboration Portal.

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