Moving To or From New Haven?
When moving into New Haven an eligible Household that has been issued a Housing Choice Voucher may use said voucher to lease any unit of their choosing in the New Haven Jurisdiction.
Whereas, an eligible family that has been issued a Housing Choice Voucher may use that voucher to lease a unit anywhere in the United States and U.S Territories. This feature of the program is referred to as Portability.
We use Bob.ai to manage the Port-Ins and Port-Outs for our PHA. When we port out a client, we send the Port-Out package, including Form 52665, through Bob.ai.
Clients porting into your PHA may also submit a port-in application directly to you, providing information on their income, assets, and allowances. This enables you to issue a voucher and conduct the virtual voucher briefing while our clients are still in our jurisdiction. We recommend that our clients physically leave their units in our jurisdiction only after receiving the voucher from the receiving PHA.
Summary about families being able to move:
ECC families are able to move with their assistance based off if the family wishes to continue to reside in New Haven or wishes to move out of New Haven.
Move to New Haven (Port In)
To be considered eligible to port in to Elm City Communities’s (ECC) jurisdiction (that is, move to New Haven), Port Applicants must:
- Meet all ECC eligibility requirements
- Receive approval from the Initial Public Housing Authority (IPHA); that is, the housing authority in the jurisdiction you are moving from
- Ensure that a complete inbound Port Package is received from the IPHA
- Meet the Work/Program Requirement as applicable
If any of the above requirements are not met, ECC will return the port package to the IPHA and no further processing will occur.
Move from New Haven (Port Out)
Outbound Ports are households that request to move to a property located outside of ECC’s jurisdiction (that is, move outside the New Haven area).
In order to port out, the head of the household must complete a Request for Portability Form [PDF]. Participants are not eligible to port out before their annual recertification date.
Note: Elm City Communities requires new applicants to use their vouchers in ECC’s jurisdiction during the first year of program participation.