About ECC Believes!
A coordinated effort to support our children and youth’s positive social-emotional and educational development geared toward developing self-sufficient adults.

- Eastview Terrace: Solar Youth
- Valley Townhouses: Bridges of Hope
- 295 Community Center: Boys & Girls Club
- Westville Manor: Solar Youth
- Virtual Program: Beats & Bars

- New Haven Public Schools
- Common Ground & Wintergreen Magnet Schools
- Concepts for Adaptive Learning (CFAL)
- Churches & Food Programs
- City of New Haven- Youth Services
- New Haven Healthy Start
- Elm City Montessori
- Consumer Financial Employment Services
- Southern CT State University
- New Haven Promise

Services Offered
- Afterschool Program Services
- Summer Camps Services & Summer Food Sites
- Virtual Programming
- Access to Technology Resources
- Academic Tutoring
- YLC – Youth Leadership Council
- STEP – Student Training Employment Program
- Summer Food Program
Maximizing Support for our Youth
ECC Believes! works to maximize supports for youth that can make a positive difference in their lives and provide opportunities for greater self-sufficiency.
ECC Believes! includes an array of programs and services to foster youth success and are facilitated with the support and collaboration of ECC/HANH supportive services staff and strong partnerships with community providers.
Early Childhood

All ECC/HANH youth have access to quality early childhood educational experiences
New system for coordination
Pre-Natal Care
- Healthy Start
- Increase pre-K experiences by 50% (currently 124 youth)
Policy & Advocacy
Advocacy for new slots and policies
Attendance & School Engagement

All ECC/HANH youth attend school every day during the academic year
- Attendance rate of 95% by 2020 (currently 89.8%)
- Develop targeted programming for students missing 14 or fewer days
- Attendance matters
- Attendance rate of 95% by 2020 (currently average of 14 days absent)
- YouthSTAT partnership
- Restorative Practices
Academic Support

All ECC/HANH youth have access to needed academic supports and safe spaces to do school work
- 1 additional school
- Tutoring
- Mentoring
- Mental Health
- Physical Health
- Homework help to 20% with an increased in GPA results
- Safe spaces for school work and exploration of computer programs
After-School Partnerships
Enhance academic support of partners with an increased GPA and evaluation
Career & College Ready

All ECC/HANH youth graduate high school on-time and prepared for work, military or college life
Home to at least 250 high school students
Youth Leadership
- YLC and non-YLC provide effective programming and engage & mentor teens
- YLC alumni mentors
Work or Military Track
- Youth@Work
- Linkage to Family Self Sufficiency programming including job skills and resume building
College Track
- Graduation Ceremony
- Linkage to NH Promise: 8th pledge and 12th app.
- Post-secondary plans including one-on-ones with ECC/HANH staff
Parent Engagement

All ECC/HANH parents, guardians and youth support systems are equipped to support the academic achievement of ECC/HANH youth
New system for coordination
Increased communications including targeted outreach, duration of phone and email lists, and coordination
- Quarterly meetings around topics of interest (e.g. Common Core, NH Promise, development, etc.)
- Remove engagement barriers (transportation, CSR, digital, etc.)
- Back-to-School Fair and other community events that support education goals