Moving to Work (MTW) at Elm City Communities
ECC/HANH was awarded Moving to Work status in 2001, one of 39 Public Housing Agencies to achieve this status.
Elm City Communities/Housing Authority of New Haven (ECC/HANH) has since been able to create programming and housing opportunities that are in line with the needs of the families that we serve in both the Housing Choice Voucher Program and the Low Income Public Housing Program. With the help of the Moving to Work designation, the agency has rehabbed and redeveloped hundreds of units in the City of New Haven.

Our Moving to Work initiatives are described annually. View or download our Moving to Work 2024 Annual Plans and Reports [PDF].
FY2025 MTW Plan Approved [PDF]
Since becoming an MTW agency, ECC/HANH has successfully created and administered over 25 social service programs designed to help families and individuals in our programs reach the goal of becoming self-sufficient.
We have helped families become homeowners and start their own businesses, and we have fostered an environment for learning and growth with ECC/HANHs youth by providing job training, internships, and educational opportunities.
We’ve also assisted adult household members with returning to school to earn their HS diploma, GED, or attend college as well as completing certificate programs that lead to stable jobs in the community. We believe that support services are an important and necessary role of housing authorities.

Click below to see case studies and resources that examine partnerships with housing organizations and school districts:
– A Case Study on Housing and School Partnerships – New Haven (Urban Institute)
– A Case Study on Housing and School Partnerships – Akron, Ohio (Urban Institute)
– Seattle Public Schools in partnership with affordable housing partnerships
About MTW
Congress established the MTW demonstration program in 1996; a pilot project that provides a high level of flexibility to Public Housing Authorities to design and test different approaches to our programs in order to more effectively address the needs our communities.
There are 3 main goals associated with MTW:
- To reduce costs and achieve greater cost effectiveness in federal expenditures.
- To give incentives to families with children where the head of household is working, is seeking to work, or is preparing to work by participating in job training, educational programs, or programs that assist people to obtain employment and become economically self-sufficient.
- To increase housing choice for low-income families.
Some of the programs offered under the Moving to Work program in the Community and Economic Development Department (CED) include CARES, Family Self Sufficiency, Incremental Earning Exclusion, Prison Community Reentry, Teacher in Residence, Elderly/Disabled Services, and Housing Choice Voucher Home Ownership Capital Improvement Program.
With the help of the Moving to Work designation, ECC/HANH continues to find, create and implement innovative programs and activities to help the families in our communities become self-sufficient.