Language Access Request

Language icon - showing English and Spanish A

Questions or Assistance

If you need this document in a different language or LARGER FONT or if you need a reasonable accommodation (persons with disabilities), please call 203-498-8800 ext. 1507. Advance notice of seven days is required in order to arrange for interpreter services.

Fraud and False Statements: Title 18, Section 1001 of the U.S. Code states that a person who knowingly and willingly makes false and fraudulent statements to any department or employee of the United States Government, HUD, a Public Housing Authority or a property owner may be subject to penalties that include fines and/or imprisonment.

Language Access Request Form

  • Note: The household member requesting the accommodation(s) must meet HUD’s definition of Limited English Proficiency.
  • Please attach the document(s) that require translation along with this form.
    Max. file size: 64 MB.
  • In-Person Interpretation
    For in-person interpretation or American Sign Language, please provide the following information:
  • Please choose one
  • :
  • :

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